Apr 14, 2009

Easter Pictures

First I had to take some pics of Emmy's Easter "Up-do", I was so happy with how this came out and everyone commented her on her hair at church. I am so happy to be blessed with little girls that I can play dress up and hair with!!! I had been looking at a lot of "hair blogs" for some inspiration on what to do with her hair and this is really a combination of a few. I did a messy bun in the back, some cute little twists on the sides, and left the front which is bangs and some extra hair out to frame her face. Here she is:

I tried to get some cute pics of all the kids together after church but "princess" Emmy would not hear of it and threw a fit, so here are some of James, Ethan, and Mollie which didn't come out great=:(
After only a couple of shots Mollie was done too! It didn't help that the boys were putting things on her head and begging me to take a pic!

I like this one of Pat and Uncle Zack doing up their ties.

Auntie Sarah and Uncle Zacky... they are so cute!

Here is Emmy later on at home after she had something to eat acting as cute as a button and willing to pose and dance for the camera!

PS - Please don't look to close at the messy under construction kitchen!


  1. Great job on Emmys hair. She looks just like a princes.

  2. Love the hair.. and the outfits, everyone looks great. Also, love the color of the kitchen!!

  3. Oh I love the hair. And if Emmy and sit still for that I know she could sit and embroider.

  4. She definatly did NOT sit still and I barely got it in her hair!! In fact Pat said to me "you will need all day to get that in her hair"!!!
