Dec 9, 2009

Fun in the Snow!

Just some pics of the kids playing in our first major snow storm of the year! It was snowing like crazy so the pics are a little fuzzy (not warm and fuzzy though).
I snapped this one of Emmy as soon as she tossed some snow into her face... the look was one of surprise I think!!!

The boys worked really hard to shovel the driveway... just kidding!
I think they were making roads. Here is Ethan in action.

Go for it James! I love how the snow is piling up on his head! It was really snowing hard!!

Emmy didn't have a shovel so she wasn't much help, but she was happy!

Watch out sis!!

Catching snow flakes???

Eating snow is the kids favorite thing to do while out in the white stuff! They could just sit there forever munching away!

More munching...

James wanted me to take this action photo of him throwing snow!

A cute one of the boys!

Even more munching...

...and more, and more, and more!

Snow goatee or Santa???

LOVE the tongue Em!

1 comment:

  1. So much fun!!! It makes me so homesick, I can taste the snow! I don't think I am going to show this one to the girls... they are going to be so sad. I love Em's tongue.
