Mar 3, 2010

Wedding Food

These are pics from Pastor Henry and Miss Sherry's son's wedding! Everyone did such a great job making the church look beautiful for the big day! Thank you so much to all who helped with the food prep!!!
I really don't have any of the beautiful ceremony because we were too busy getting everything ready, but I do have a bunch of the food! I know that's not what you really want to see from a wedding is pics of the food...but that was my job! I always forget to take pics of how it all came together too!! This time the camera was ready, here they are:

The chocolate fountain:

The food table:

The cake! Created by Danette, she did such a great job!
Amanda and Ryan after the toast.

Time to eat!

And where were the kids you say??? At the chocolate fountain of course!!!
Mollie had just had way too much fun and passed out on Daddy's shoulder!

Congratulations to Ryan and Amanda, Pastor Henry and Miss Sherry!!!!

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